Success stories
Bee keeping project
The organization introduced bee keeping project in the community, this has helped atleast 4 Batwa communities with skills to work with bees without harming them or burning the forest as it used to be in the past. The bee keeping project is also conserving over 500,000,000 bees in 99 hives. The projects provides honey as source food, income and medicine and also lighting candles from bee wax.
Land Ownership
The institution that started as an idea on a hired land now owns 1 acre of land where the demonstration gardens are established for the community to view and learn from.
Mushroom and Vegetable production
CIBIC has sustained mushroom and vegetables production for the community women, a project that has helped local business in the lodges thrive and increased incomes for the 250 women and Batwa pygmies.
The organisation is benefiting 3315 reformed poachers, Batwa, women and youth in five schools.
livelihood project
The organisation has helped 4 communities of Batwa with 40 goats and the goats have increased to 125 in number. This project is helping Batwa with milk, meat, manure and school fees for their children.
Conservation education
CIBIC is working through conservation education to end irresponsible plastic waste disposable and has already built 2 rain water harvesting tanks made from plastic waste bricks in 2 Batwa communities helping atleast these communities access rain water for irrigation and domestic use during the dry season. This project has already recycled 1.5 tones and collected 5 tones of plastic waste from the community and lodges.
Farmers cooperative society
The organisation started a farmers cooperative society and now has 230 shareholders, 990 members in village Savings and loans associations (VSLAs) and have mondatory savings of over 700,000,000 Uganda shillings
The organisation that stated as a CBO in 2012, upgraded to an NGO in 2020 and is mandated to work Nationwide were Uganda has national parks.
Engagement of poachers into alternative livelihood projects
The institution has helped 172 poachers reform and engaged them in alternative livelihood projects an initiative that has reduced poaching and forest fires and created harmony between man and nature.
Organic fish farming project
CIBIC introduced organic fish farming project and is helping the entire community with source of nutrition especially the hosptalised Batwa pygmies and other patients at local health centers. This project is solving nutrition among children and pregnant/ breast feeding women.
Created Job opportunities to community members
The organisation is providing full time jobs for 24 community members and is supplying over 2 tones of fresh food on monthly basis to the community.
Senior Contacts
Mr.Johnbosco Tusingwire-Founding executive Director
+256(0) 782 657 007
Mr.Kaleb Kahima Tusiime-Chairman
+256(0) 772 856 649
Mrs.Gloria Tushemereirwe-General Secretary
+256(0) 781 869 055