OUR TEAM Sam KajojoPatronChairman Local Council 5 Kanungu. Responsible for overall political leadership for Kanungu District.Caleb Kahima TusimeChairman Former conservation officer Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). Chairman for Buhoma Community Sacco.Keneth TuryamubonaVice ChairmanFormer Batwa Development Program Coordinator in Uganda.Gloria TushemerirweSecretary & Co-FounderProminent local farmer, independent entrepreneur who provides sustainable foods for the locals.Yonah TwesigyeVice Secretary Field Manager, Kayonza Growers Tea Factory. Responsible for local consumption and global export productionJemimah OrikyirizaTreasurerFormer Accountant for local NGO Buhoma Mukono Development Association. Christopher TumwesigyeMissioner for Kyeshero Church of Uganda Mugyenyi Sadayo Reformed Poacher & Key MobilizerJohn Bosco TusingwireFounding Director Senior Contacts Mr.Johnbosco Tusingwire-Founding executive Director +256(0) 782 657 007 Mr.Kaleb Kahima Tusiime-Chairman +256(0) 772 856 649 Mrs.Gloria Tushemereirwe-General Secretary +256(0) 781 869 055 Contact Us Name* First Last Email* Phone*MessageCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. HomeAbout Us Who we are Our TeamProjects Upcoming Projects Ongoing Projects Completed ProjectsImpactDonateContact Us Donate Now